Oblate Educational institutions are committed to the Gospel values if justice, equality, fraternity, and freedom, striving to transform the society through the education mission, for the furthering of the Kingdom of God here on earth.

We, the Oblates of St. Joseph, together with all our collaborators, through our value based education endeavours, hope to build a fraternal society by moulding the personality of each individual entrusted to our care, trusting in God and drawing inspiration from our Founder St. Joseph Marello

WE, OSJ. Fathers, believe that an essential need of our country is a community of persons with deep faith, sound knowledge, intellectual and emotional maturity and moral integrity; persons able and willing to render generous service to their fellow men and build up a truly human society .It is therefore to the formation of such a community of persons with human and traditional values that we commit our educational institution.


Our endeavour is to mould our students to be compassionate, progressive and professionally successful responsive to global culture and heritage in a society of sharing and caring